Thursday, October 06, 2005



yeah, i'm having phone trouble.

last week, my 9500 was picked up by my infinity account exec, ryan, to have it repaired. i dropped it while i was in bacolod on a business trip last july. he brought me a sony ericsson phone to use but i declined it since i had to sync it with my laptop. i decided to use my old unreliable 6600. this 6600 is the 3rd 6600 that infinity has given to me. the 1st one lasted me 24 hours before it conked out. the 2nd one lasted me a week. this 3rd one (present one) showed signs of conking out last december when i bitched about it to infinity. they replaced my 6600 with a brand new 9500 communicator.

i love the 9500. the only drawback is that it does not have a dictionary or predictive texting. after getting my 9500, my 6600 conked out and i had it repaired. it is my weekend phone since the 9500 is kinda big for the weekend. lately, the 6600 started acting up again. then it finally conked out tuesday evening. all it said was "system error" whatever that means. so for 6 hours tuesday evening, all through the dinner with doctony and the gang, i was without a phone. it was actually bliss since i didn't get any text or phone calls. i just concentrated on the cutie that was demomstrating the salad master cookware.

buttercup (thad) handed me his old purple 7260 for me to use. and i hate it! ryan, my infinity slave, tossed me a service phone another 6600 that refuses to sync with my laptop. bummer.

my 9500 won't be ready till next week and here i am left to fend the world with an antiquated 7260.

i didn't realize how tech dependent i have become. And to think i started my working life when the only high tech gadget i had was a HP financial calculator.

oh yeah and the 21 year old cutie demonstrating the salad master happens to the the son of the distributor. he's cute but he's not that cute to make me want to buy their cheapest set at 250 grand!

besides, it a better deal to save up and get me one of mosscake work as a christmas gift to myself.
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