Tuesday, May 31, 2005



Are weddings good or bad? Is getting married worth the hassle of organizing a wedding? Last Saturday, I attended the wededing of James and Therese. They both met when they were undergoing their training at AMCI. I was part of the training committee then. I was the Member-Trainee Relationship ek ek and my job was to explain the policies and procedures of the BMC (Basic Mountaineering Course). If there were any conflicts between members and trainees, I was the guy in charge of resolving them. James and Therese were part of the group that I led to Mt. Pulag during the 2002 2nd Induction Climb. I had no inkling that James had the hots for Therese. Therese at that time was seeing big boy Jun, the Physical Director. Therese also had a lot of guys after her.

But James in his wily, sneaky way wormed himself into the heart of Therese. An unusual match for two different people. People were actually surprise that the two of them ended in each other's arms. James loves to sing in videoke joints notwithstanding his out of tone voice. Therese can look clean in a hard climb and still manage to look good and smell good with the aid of her louffa. You see James hardly courted Therese. He just made sure he was in her face everyday!

Those two lovebirds made me their sponsor. I was reluctant to accept because I'm not that old yet. Lol. But Angie twisted my arm and I said yes. This is where I found myself last very hot Saturday. I expected the wedding to be unusual just like the two love birds. I was not disappointed. It indeed was unusual. Obviously, those two strange people were very much in love with each other. James couldn't keep himself from constantly kissing Therese. While Therese just kept looking at him with those adoring puppy like stares. His whole batch in AMCI was one way or another involved in his wedding. Henry and Jon were the photographers. Karen and Kat were secondary sponsors.

They had the reception at the Pueta Real Gardens in Intramuros. We arrived there and the place was still being set up! But the setting was romantic and the food great. Then it started to rain. That put a damper on things. After the rain though, the celebration continued and I spoke at the wedding. I recounted the courtship of the two of them. I don't think I will be welcome in any of the Go family gatherings in the future! Lol.

Then the de la Fuente relatives of James got together and sang. At looong last, I now know where James got his penchant for belting out songs that are very out of tune.

I do hope their marraige will last forever. But is it really worth the hassle to go through this stress filled event called a wedding? A wedding is no guarantee that a couple will last forever nor is a marriage. Thad and I have lasted more than a lot of straight marriages. And our relationship is solid. The only thing is that most straight people don't do what we do. We can have our cake and eat it too! Maybe that's why weddings are for straight people. They're very conventional and sooo in the box.

Is it really worth the hassle to please your relatives, friends and others just to have this stress filled event? Maybe. The jury is still out on this one. I'd rather though have a celebration of a milestone in a married life or a relationship. At least, you've both gone through the years and passed with flying colors! lol.

(hmmmm.... can't seem to post the wedding picture of James and Therese.)
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