Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Philippine Fashions

Aha a very controversial topic from a controversial guy like me. Let me qualify some points before I start my discourse on what constitutes fashion in the Philippines. 1. I am not a fashion designer nor do I work in the fashion industry. I am a consumer. I buy things. 2. I am not a fashionista or whatever the new word is. I just happen to have good taste in clothes, furniture, art and style, LOL. I know that because ever since I can remember, no one has ever ever argued with me on my ahem apparently good taste :-)

There was a time when Philippine fashion was really simple. The elite went abroad (mostly Europe, because there really is nothing in good taste from the USA), copied the trends and the nouveau riche, middle class, the poor simply followed what the elite wore.

Because of the recent phenomenom of the OFWs, fashion now has evolved in the following lines: the elite still continued to copy the trends in Europe, Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo; the nouveau riche, with advise from the chunkua designers, tried to copy the elite with very disastrous results, the middle and lower middle class set the hiphop fashions which the vast majority of unwashed poor people copied.

The elite still looked well dressed while the vast majority still lacked taste. Hiphop is ugly. It was one of the worst musical and fashion genre that emanated from the ghettoes of the USA.

So what really has changed? It went from bad to worse. At least when everyone copied the elite, people were reasonably well dressed. Now with hiphop gangsta fashion, it went from bad to worse. Lol
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